It is a statement about infant formulas that not only feed babies, but also provide a healthcare benefit.
The story begins in 1991 when a team of pharmacists, pediatricians and research scientists explore a way to deal with gastro-intestinal problems not with symptomatic medication, but instead with dietary solutions which manage the problem at its source. Indeed, the majority of babies experience some sort of digestive challenge in their first months of life (colics, acid reflux, constipation, allergies, etc.), and one in four pediatric consultations are related to such problems*, which negatively impact the baby’s quality of life. These issues are sometimes treated with medication. However, adapted nutritional management is often the optimal solution.
That is why Novalac developed the world’s first formula for infants with acid reflux, first formula for infants with colics and gas, first formula for infants with constipation, and many more, eventually creating over a dozen innovations available today.
The R&D pipeline is still crowded, with new and far-reaching strides in the management of allergies. More than 50 clinical trials and studies with over 48000 infants have been conducted to advance scientific research and showcase the effectiveness of our products.
Focusing on research and innovation, Novalac established partnerships with leading pharmaceutical companies to bring its products to market. Our goal is to continue developing ever-improving solutions for babies who need a formula with a healthcare dimension, all the while offering a high-quality product for those who are well and simply need a product that is nutritionally complete.